Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do I Know My Baby's Getting Enough Milk?

    the complete range of medical and surgical specialties under one roof, with highly experienced doctors, state-of-the-art infrastructure and diagnostic services.

  • What Is Infertility?

    infertility refers to an inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex. infertility can also refer to the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception or to a female who cannot carry a pregnancy to full term. in many countries infertility refers to a couple that has failed to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception.

  • Will abortion affect my ability to get pregnant in the future?

    If your treatment is uncomplicated it won’t cause any issues with future pregnancies. There is no proven connection between abortion and future infertility ectopic pregnancy or other pregnancy complications. Abortion can be associated with future pregnancies ending before the due date; this risk increases with each abortion but the medical evidence is not enough to show a connection. We use evidence based information to provide you with all the information necessary to make the decision that is right for you. A healthcare professional will explain all the known risks and complications associated with your treatment choice.

  • What is Gynaecology?

    Gynaecology is the study of the female reproductive system, its functions, disorders and diseases comes under the heading of gynaecology.This can include complaints ranging from menstrual problems to uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and cervical polyps. Consultant gynaecologists can also provide advice on contraception and disorders of early pregnancy.Common gynaecological operations include hysterectomy, laparoscopy and colposcopy.

  • Can the Clomid patch help induce pregnancy?

    There are several causes of infertility and specialists involved in diagnosing infertility include general family practitioners, general medicine internists, Ob/GYN physicians and Urologists (for your husband). Clomiphene trade name: Clomid is a special medicine that acts at the estrogen receptor. Essentially the function of the medicine is to cause Ovulation in people who are not ovulating. Now this goes to say that in a person who is normally ovulating the drug Clomid can actually cause release of multiple ova or eggs. This can result in multiple gestations or births. Before Clomiphene is used it is important to have a full fertility workup which involves evaluation of your partner as well. There are many causes of infertility and these should be extensively evaluated.

  • What Is Antenatal Education?

    Antenatal education including childbirth education programmes, parenthood education, prenatal and antenatal classes, and a range of other prenatal and antenatal groups are aimed at reducing the complications of pregnancy and promoting the health and wellbeing of mother and chilld. Developing evidence has highlighted the psychological and biologically driven processes that both men and women face during the transition to parenthood, and importance of pregnancy and the immediate postnatal period in the health of the baby and reducing social and health inequalities.

  • Does Age Limit This Type Of Surgery?

    as with other walks of life, age is relative, so surgeons use medical parameters such as: heart condition, lung condition, liver, blood vessels and kidneys condition, which are determined in the pre-operative preparations of the patient necessary for every intervention, laparoscopy too.

  • What other operations can be done using laparoscopy?

    • Ovary and Fallopian tube, as well as possible causes of sterility • Hiatus Hernia • Stomach operations to treat obesity • Kidney operations • Colon operations • Most often inguinal hernia operations

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